Our Mission

Illinois Christian Camp (ICC) exists to provide an environment where God is glorified, taught, and experienced.

Greetings From Our Board

ICC is a combination of devotional time, class time, games, singing, sports, swimming, boating, and just plain fun for all.  You will meet new people and develop friendships, some of which will last a lifetime.  You will enjoy the peaceful setting of the campground and the evening devotionals around a campfire. 

Our counselors are hand-picked by each director.  Each counselor, teacher, and staff member is a strong Christian dedicated to making camp a fun experience.

We encourage all of the young people of central Illinois to come to camp!  If you are going to finish the 3rd grade through 12th grade this spring, you are eligible to attend. Be sure to contact your camp director if you have any questions about Illinois Christian Camp.

What People Have Said About ICC

What Our Campers Are Saying.

Church of Christ Northwest

Some of my best memories from camp are singing songs around the campfire. I also like going on the canoes.

Clear Lake Church of Christ

My favorite camp memory was going snipe hunting with our pillowcases and getting lost in the woods.

Philo Road Church of Christ

My favorite camp memory was performing in the talent show. I can still remember most of the dance even though it’s been I think over a decade.


A good memory from camp for me will be when we all played gaga ball right after we arrived at camp. It was a great experience.


Canoeing on the lake is super peaceful. I loved just floating with the current and talking about anything.


My favorite memory from ICC is spending time singing with others at campfire every night. It was a great time of worship, praise, and reflection as we all sit around the warmth of the fire together.